1. Download the Google Mobile Ads SDK package from the GitHub releases page and import the package.


  2. Once the Google Mobile Ads SDK is imported,

    Follow these steps to ensure that your project includes all the dependencies: Go to Edit > Project Settings > Player > Android > Publishing Settings > Build and select:


  3. In the Unity editor, select Assets > External Dependency Manager > Android Resolver > Resolve to have the Unity External Dependency Manager library copy the declared dependencies into the Assets/Plugins/Android directory of your Unity app.

  4. If you haven't created your AdMob app yet and you don't have the Android/iOS app IDs, visit this link to set up your AdMob app and get your app IDs.

    If you don't want to create an APP ID right now, use this sample APP ID (Android):



  5. In the Unity editor, select Assets > Google Mobile Ads > Settings from the menu.


  6. Enter your Android and iOS AdMob app ID in each field.


    You are Done ✅